Monkey man

Simon’s first Christmas was wonderful.  We went to London first for four days, then back to Milton for Boxing Day with Christopher’s moms side of the family, and then headed up to Fenelon Falls for three days.  The grandparents loved being able to spend so much time with him and Simon had a great time with them too.  He handled all the driving and new faces really well.  A few meltdowns here and there but that’s to be expected.

Simon has become very attached to Monkey, a stuffed animal given to him by our friends Mike and Sherry.  He hugs him, chews on him and smiles every time we bring him out.  Too bad his parents aren’t more creative - you think we could have come up with a better name for a stuffed monkey than Monkey.

He’s also started laughing which is so much fun.  When we were in Fenelon Falls Gramma got him laughing by playing airplane with him and last night he thought my hiccups were hilarious.

My sister in law Laura is due in about two weeks.  I can’t wait to meet her baby boy!  I told her to try to have him in the daytime so we can be there.  She said she would do her best.  Our friends Carolyn and Glenn who live in Australia are also due at the end of January.

One more tidbit - Simon had his three month doctor appointment on Wednesday and weighed in at 16 lbs 12 oz!  He’s gained 7 pounds since birth.


3 Responses

  1. He sure is getting big. I think you got yourself a goalie there. How are his reflexes.

    drew - January 5th, 2007 at 1:18 pm
  2. He looks really healthy and happy!

    Carolyn - January 7th, 2007 at 4:23 am
  3. Well I am most impressed with my great grandson! He is not only handsome,healthy and happy but is full of monkey business! My kind of kid!!! love GGJ.

    great grandma Jane (GGJ) - January 7th, 2007 at 12:57 pm

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