
Better late than never, as usual. This year we started the season with a visit to Christmas Town at Mountsberg Conservation Area. It was a fantastic outing including a horse-drawn sleigh ride, cookie decorating (and eating), a visit to the elves workshop, and of course a visit with Santa. It’s out in the country and a lot more fun than visiting Santa at a dingy mall. Each child gets a private meeting with Santa and Mrs. Claus too. We’re going to make it an annual tradition, and hopefully next year we’ll get the whole family out.

Standing outside

Cookie decorating

Cookie eating

Meeting Santa

Santa Rejection

Simon has what Christopher and I like to call an independent spirit, but let’s be honest - there’s a bit of stubbornness in the mix. While we were walking around Christmas Town he refused to hold our hands, and every time we tried he made a noise of impatience and pulled his hand away.

When we first entered Santa’s house Simon was all smiles, but the minute I tried to put him on Santa’s lap he started wailing. No surprise - Simon’s definitely a ladies man right now. Most men make him nervous.

Our next stop was the Shaver house for a Christmas gathering with Christopher’s mom’s family. Simon got spoiled with gifts and attention, and spent lots of time hanging out with Hawksley. He also managed to pinch cousin Claire’s nose closed for a few seconds while no one was looking.

Simon and Hawksley

Then we were off to London for Christmas with the Wills family. As you can see Uncle Neil is the good influence we all knew he would be.


The weekend after Christmas we made our way up to Fenelon Falls for a few days with Christopher’s parents. Simon went for a sleigh ride with Grampa and discovered how delicious fresh snow is.


Tobogganing all done

Simon is so much fun right now - very affectionate and communicating well. He still uses sign language most of the time, but he understands direction and has a few words. His first word (or expression) was “uh oh!” Appropriate since he’s always looking for trouble. He also likes to say “Hi!” to other shoppers at the grocery store. They always walk away with a smile on their face after saying hello. It’s great to see your baby make someone’s day a little brighter.


5 Responses

  1. Simon is becoming a little person with a great personality! Neil and Simon really hit it off! Enjoy the next year, he will learn and change so much. love you Nana. xoxoxoxoxoxo

    Nana Lisa - January 15th, 2008 at 3:28 pm
  2. Hawksley enjoyed having Simon around. It was fun to see the two of them walking around together! Simon is so funny, he makes me laugh.

    Laura - January 15th, 2008 at 9:37 pm
  3. Dear Simon, we loved having you up here over the Christmas holidays. Such a little guy on such a big toboggan. Maybe next time Hawksley will be here to go with you.
    love Gramma xoxoxo

    Gramma (Janet) - January 16th, 2008 at 8:36 pm
  4. Simon, you’re such a beautiful little boy! I love seeing all the pictures of you and hearing how your Mom & Dad are coping with being parents. Their posts bring back a lot of good (mostly LOL!) memories for me. It’s so nice to watch you grow and get to know you - even though you don’t know me at all. I hope the Easter bunny is good to you - it won’t be long now! At least you don’t have to sit on his knee, eh?!

    Lesley - February 4th, 2008 at 3:21 pm
  5. OK I think I am a patient person. BUT! It is almost Easter! We need an update, photos, whatever! This kid is going to be 30 years old and the site is going to say Christmas 2007! love you .xoxoxoxoxxoxooxoxoxoxooxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo

    Nana Lisa - March 9th, 2008 at 6:42 pm

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