Broken Bones

Like everyone else, I’m ready for winter to end. Simon has had a rough few months and I can’t wait for some warm weather and an uneventful spring. Simon has had two broken bones in as many months in two separate falls. He took a tumble down our basement stairs in late January that resulted in a fracture of his right radius (one of the bones in the forearm). I was really upset about the break, but Simon was a trooper. After getting his arm cast off on a Wednesday three weeks later, he stayed intact until that Sunday when I slipped and fell on our patio after a night of freezing rain. I managed to hold on to him, but my leg twisted his leg as I fell and we were back at the hospital the next day. I couldn’t believe it was happening again, but another x-ray revealed that Simon had a fracture in his left tibia (one of the bones in the lower leg). I think the whole experience has been harder on Christopher and me than it has on Simon. He didn’t let either cast slow him down. He continued to use his right arm and started walking on his leg cast after a few days. The leg cast comes off tomorrow and I can’t wait.

The psychedelic arm cast

With Uncey Neil at Smuggler’s Notch

Waiting at the hospital to get his cast off. The doctor loved his shirt.

Walking on his leg cast

In the middle of all this we had a fantastic ski holiday with my family in Vermont. It was a long drive, but Simon was a dream the entire week. He spent three mornings at the daycare and had a great time. On the second day one of the caregivers told us that Simon had eaten two servings of lunch. We told her that was par for the course. I swear that kid has a tapeworm.

Last week we visited with Christopher’s sister, mom, aunt, and cousin, as well as my mom and the three babies. Everyone had fun but Simon wasn’t interested in wearing the bunny ears.

Being uncooperative

Grandmas and babies

Moms and babies

Peeking out the window of Hawksley’s playhouse

Simon loves play kitchens, so his very generous Nana ordered him one from Costco. After Christopher spent the morning assembling it, Simon spent the afternoon playing chef. He loves our microwave, so it was no surprise that that was his favourite part of the kitchen.

Order up!

5 Responses

  1. oh man…that kitchen is so amazing. can hawksley come over and play?!!

    Laura - March 19th, 2008 at 9:14 am
  2. I’m glad you are getting your cast off today. You are such a trooper Simon. I’m glad you like your kitchen, i’m sure you are going to be a great chef! xoxoxoxxooxxoxoxoxoxoxoxo

    Nana Lisa - March 19th, 2008 at 5:29 pm
  3. love the AB/CD t-shirt. where did you get it? I’m back now BTW. Thanks for feeding tom when I was gone.

    Sarah - March 23rd, 2008 at 9:00 pm
  4. Poor little dude. Doesn’t look like those casts slowed him down a bit though! Here’s to a tumble-free spring!

    Hannah - March 25th, 2008 at 2:21 pm
  5. What about the crepe pan and the souffle dish?

    Nana Lisa - March 30th, 2008 at 12:10 am

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